Friday, February 26, 2010

The RUSH of Rushing

Rushing a sorority at Yale was a crazy experience for me, filled with dozens of faces that I was constantly meeting, and a ton of happy girls smiling back at me. It started at the beginning of this semester with two “Meet and Greet” days, where everyone was welcomed to show up at a dining hall to meet several of the girls from each of the Panhellenic sororities—Kappa Kappa Gamma (Kappas), Kappa Theta Gamma (Thetas), and Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi)*. This is before the rushing process even starts, and was probably one of the largest reasons that led me to decide to rush. I mean, I never saw myself as a “sorority girl” when I first came to Yale, but everyone seemed incredibly nice and I felt that it would be a great way for me to meet more people that I probably wouldn’t get a chance to spend time with otherwise. So why not give it a try and see what would happen?

Once I showed up to the first day of the rush process, the other girls and I were taken to 3 different locations, where all of the girls in each sorority were waiting with treats and ready to pass us around so that we could meet as many of the girls in the sorority as possible. At first, the never-ending stream of faces was a little crazy—honestly, how am I supposed to remember so many names?!—but when the same thing happened on the next day of rushing, I couldn’t help but enjoy seeing some of the familiar faces and taking a chance to laugh and joke around. After this, I was called back to two of the sororities, where I was finally able to spend more time with each one in their sorority houses, before making a decision about which one I’d like to join. By the end of everything, I had a good idea of where I fit in best, and was unbelievably excited when I got a letter back on “Bid Day” for the sorority I had really wanted to be a part of.

It’s been a couple of weeks since all of this, and being a part of the sorority has been more fun than I thought possible. I’m getting closer to girls that I already consider great friends and I’m constantly trying to fit in the study breaks, ice cream dates with my “Big Sib”, or mixers with the girls. Basically, I’m loving it and it was one of the best choices I could’ve made!

The Kappa Rush Class '10 (with me at the top)

*If you read “panhellenic” and came up with a big question mark, the three that I mentioned within that group doesn’t list some of the other sororities at Yale, that have their own rush processes. These include the historically black sororities—Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKAs) & Delta Sigma Theta (Deltas)—and the Asian-interest sorority—Sigma Psi Zeta (Sigmas).

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have absolutely no idea. None. How am I supposed to decide what I'm going to do this summer? I'm constantly worried about making the wrong decision; mostly, because I'd absolutely hate to miss out on an amazing opportunity. But the truth is, I think that the big problem here is that they're all such amazing opportunities, and I'm way too indecisive for these kinds of things.

So far, I've been able to narrow it down to a couple of programs, but I'm still in the middle of really narrowing it down to anything definitive. And I
need help. ASAP.

Choice #1: London School of Economics.

This one's mostly me thinking ahead about when I'm applying to graduate schools. I mean, how seriously cool is it that I've taken classes at LSE. One of the largest financial centers & top places to study in the world (which is silly, considering that I'm already going to Yale, of all places).
  • Pros? It's London!! As an economics major, shouldn't I be visiting this place eventually? And from a touristy point of view, I get to see beautiful sights like Big Ben, visit a museum, and take a cute picture in a telephone booth!
  • Cons? Am I really about to take classes at LSE... and the super intermediate ones, at that. What if there are crazy intense people there? Or they don't have Econ tutors available every night like Yale does (which I highly doubt they do)? Plus, the credits only come in as a plain credit, as in not A-F, so it won't even help my GPA. Or, then again, it might not HURT my GPA.... which might go into the pros section....

Choice #2: The American University in Cairo.

Why? Because I've always had a fascination with Egyptians. I guess it goes back to elementary school dreams of becoming a famous archaeologist, but either way, when will I ever get to see a pyramid?! There are several free student trips that take you out to different parts of Egypt with the other students, but...

  • Pros: Pyramids, museums, learning Arabic, visiting a place I might otherwise never go to. I think these are pretty huge pros to begin with.
  • Cons: Arabic is a crazy language. I'd honestly have to learn a gajillion squiggles and their significance. Don't get me wrong, it sounds and looks beautiful, but I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to learn to read something that looks like an intricate picture up close to me right now. Plus, exactly how often am I using this language? Actually, a pro, particularly if I'm an econ major who knows this stuff. Actually. Definite pro.

Choice #3: Yale Summer Session in Brazil.

This one's supposed to be one of the easier sessions, and since I already speak Spanish and know a little of Portuguese, I'm definitely looking to this one as a GPA booster. A much needed GPA boost. And it's Rio de Janeiro...

  • Pros: Beaches in Brazil! Even though it's technically winter time there, it's definitely still warm enough for some beaches. It comes highly recommended by everyone. And it might just be a tad easier for me than learning Arabic. And did I mention A's that actually go towards my GPA? 3 credits worth!
  • Cons: .... THIS language might not help me much... or at all. So few countries even speak it and I already know Spanish and French. And I'll only be taking language classes and a culture course. So I'm probably looking to this as the "fun" and less-than useful choice.

So, if anyone has a suggestion, pleeeeease feel free to make one. I'm dying here and the clock is tick-tick-ticking. Of course, if there's a different program you find on the website:,
feel free to share and make my decision-making that much worse!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ahhhh!!!, Finals week has been insane, so thank goodness for all of the crazy little activities that have been going on. Otherwise I'd probably just go absolutely crazy without anything to distract me.

This past weekend was probably the first time I actually put on a serious dress and for not just one, but two back-to-back events. And both of them actually happened to be cultural events for groups that I'm a huge part of at Yale, so it was fun seeing so many people I know all looking their best. 

On Friday, it was Alianza's first-ever Latino Gala. At first, they had expected everyone to pay $15 per ticket--which meant I most DEFINITELY wasn't about to be there--but they somehow managed to get it subsidized, so the whole night was absolutely free. I'm talking delicious chicken and pork, yellow rice, gooey plantains and enchiladas that I tried for the very first time (surprisingly good!). They got all fancy with apple cider at the tables and showed a slideshow featuring all of the groups that are a part of La Casa--Yale's Latino Cultural Center. Of course, you already know that somebody had to put up the most embarrassing pictures of me but whaaaaatver. It was actually hilarious and one of the best nights I had. Especiaaaaally, when I was dancing to the merengue and salsa they played later, which I can't tell you how much I love-love-loved.

At the top: On my left is Evelyn, the only other Yalie from my high school in Miami 
2nd photo: My favorites! The Ladies of DSA (Dominican Student Association)

The next night was the very first "legit" snow day at Yale, which was a perfect start to Kwanzaa Ball. It actually reminded me of when I saw snow for the first time last year--which also happened on the same night of Kwanzaa Ball.  So while it wasn't as exciting as it was last year, it was definitely a great time, of course... that is, after the struggle of finding a second dress to wear this weekend. This year I actually made it there in time to see the whole ritual, which was interesting for me, since I had actually never seen it before. Mostly, it was fun just hanging out with my suitemate and my friends and acting like the the fools that we are on the dance floor.

Pictures from my first snow day last year 
(which were SO MUCH cuter than this year's pics):
   In the first, I'm with my best friend, Nadine & the next 2 show my boyfriend pleading with me to stop running around in the snow, before I ignore him and he gets ready to throw snowballs at me, along with Nadine once she's done taking the picture! 

In the background, you can see Old Campus, where all of the freshmen live. There's Durfee Hall showing its MORSE lights and Farnham Hall with its "JE SUX" lights strung up 

(but everyone knows that MORSE is the BESSSTTTTT EVEEEERRRRR!!)